Saturday, January 10, 2009

I don't believe in exams.....

Im completely annoyed with the current education system all of us are in... This is not because i score less or my friends score less... Its just a general impression i get about the system...

All of us attend approx. 60 hrs of a particular subject each semester,and we are put into a test where we are supposed to write whatever we have learnt in the prescribed 60 hrs in just 3 hrs!!!!!! is it justified???!!!Man come on we fuckin learn soo much,within the syllabus outside the syllabus and so many general things.. education is not just about becoming literate... its about how well are we able 2 apply those whic we learn in our actual lives... there lies the real potential and talent of an individual..

We often see in schools that the teacher when distributing the papers jus goes on and on appreciating the student who has scored really well and the student who fails or who scores comparatively less marks is so badly pulled down that the poor child looses the whole damn interest in his or her life... I very strongly recommend the teachers to get educated 1st and then try teaching the students...
And the students who actually score centum in the subject has hardly any knowledge about what he has written in his paper.. Its so damn easy for someone to just by heart whatever he s supposed to and score... He should be morally tested according to me..

Its actually a very big emerging problem in india.. The worst part is even parents don't understand what their children are good and bad at.. A child if not able to score well is just blindly written off saying he s just too dumb... Just imagine what that child must be going through facing all kinds of humiliation.. We should be able to identify our strengths and should work on our strengths.. weaknesses should be just casually ignored since the strengths ll destroy the weaknesses..

the education system should be in such a way that all students should be imparted education .. no doubt about it.. but also should be seen that if not mastered he has at least got his basics right and should be given the certificate then n there( subject to how well he has understood wwat he is supposed to).. and instead of that not torturing them by making them slog day and night and then finally fail them... wat a pity ,wat a pity.... :(
Education is all about the way we are going to apply watever we study in our daily lives and how wel we make use of them for our daily bread and not about perennially writing exams gettin tensed and eventually shortening our lives span.....


aishah said...

I hear ya mate. To me, it's some what the same here in Singapore.

aishah said...

update your blog mate! lol (:

aishah said...

hey dude, update your blog! seriously and thanks for reading my blog though its boring :D