Finally those days have come when all of us no more feel college as a prison... all of us feel college is our home... none of feel like going back home, none of us want the classes to end, none of us want the teachers to be absent... well im experiencing a new feelin which is just opposite to how it was when i joined the college... i hated the staff i hated my friends.. i used 2 only like the days when the class used to get over by early afternoon and not early evening....
Are all human beings lik this?? that when they have it they never use it and when they are just about to loose it or already lost they start understanding the value of it..
I remem when all the lectures sounded boring to me,made no sense at all.. but now the lectures seem so damn inspiring to me... every lecture i feel im learning somethin new.. i seriously feel if i would have the attitude which im right now having i would ve learnt much more then i ve right now..
And sadly the kind of frinds the number of friends and also the quality of friends i have made in the last 10 or 12 months can be rated atleast fifty to hundred times better than the ones i had in the first 24 months... god!!!!! its all the more painful when i think about it...
Anyways its life and gotta move on with the flow... I would surely like to keep in touch with some reeli special people who are the sweetest people i have ever met in my 20 years of life...
and also to all my lecturers who i feel have commpletely changed the bent of mind whic i had pre under graduation... marvelous preaching i should say...
I very frankly feel if one has got a chance to study from st joseph's bangalore and finds himself in the humanities block then he has to consider himself to be reeli lucky to have landed in ..
Yea it is lil strict but certainly the pros are more than the cons ... -ves should just be blown off like dust and the positives should be neva 4gotten... im sure if i get married and if at all end up havin kids and if the kid grows up in bangalore i would surely see to it that he too will be a JOSEPHITE!!!!!!
well the last few lines r so funny u see....he he he..true josephite??...ahem ahem!!
wel tas the attitude we have.. cant help.. ;)
hi sidu I know u will miss ur college days but its the passing phase dude!!!!!!!!!!
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