The best example that we can give for a living being that is so good at committing itself for somethin and doing just the opposite that the person who has committed to do are The human beings....
Innumerable promises and assurances but the number actually rendered cannot even be counted just because usually there isnt a one... we are such poor followers of wat we say..
Why do we even say then?? why do we even talk??? what rights do we have to comment on the actions of someone else when we ourselves are so very weak on which we comment and on which we can comment till the existence of time....
very bad!!!!
when are we gonna evolve? when are we gonna grow up? when are we gonna learn? and wen r we gonna live?? am i evolved just coz i ve written this or are you evolved coz u just read this?? and wher can i find the answers fa these questons!!!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
What kind of a society am i living in???
I wonder if the society im living in, is the right one?!! i see and experience so many things that makes me wonder if this is the way society actually functions?? is it the right way? can something be done?is it worth to live in a society like this? can i do or can we the youth do something about it to bring a radical change?? or are we just fit for just blogging off in our blogger sites and end up living in the same society which has so many casualties!!
The day before was wandering in the streets of brigade road to buy something and something i saw which stopped my walk and i just could not walk for a few seconds even after it hap pend....
A young boy like me was walking on the foot path just like me and an eunuch(so called trans genders) asked fa alms and poor guy instead of chasing off was actually gettin his wallet out to give alms.. and he did not have any change and had only notes of 100... he said sorry i don't have but the eunuch started touching the boy at weird places and started harassing him and just snatched the 100 rupees note and pushed off....
Man!! so much attitude even while begging??
Yesterday was on my way back from college and saw a couple on an activa clash with a bicyclist. both the parties fell royally and the poor guy on the cycle started bleeding. i initially jus stopped my bike since the activa rolled and came in the way of my bike and thank god i dint fall.. i parked my bike and was helping them along with many passer bys... the cycle guy was crying so badly and no rickshaw guy was ready to take him. they saw his condition and immediately said NO... but they never left stood at a corner and were watching him suffer.. i luckily had some sugar sachets in my bag since i had been to coffee day and ve this bad habit of flicking sachets of sugar and ketchup dunno why.. so i got that out and poured 3 packets of them on the wound and then somebody came whom he knew and he took care of him.
This way i see numerous incidents where people are just not worried about others. Human beings are selfish and so they have to be to survive.. but selfish to an extent that they can see someone die but can never help the one dying?? I feel we are no more so called SOCIAL animals... we slowly inching towards the stage when we were all animals..
The day before was wandering in the streets of brigade road to buy something and something i saw which stopped my walk and i just could not walk for a few seconds even after it hap pend....
A young boy like me was walking on the foot path just like me and an eunuch(so called trans genders) asked fa alms and poor guy instead of chasing off was actually gettin his wallet out to give alms.. and he did not have any change and had only notes of 100... he said sorry i don't have but the eunuch started touching the boy at weird places and started harassing him and just snatched the 100 rupees note and pushed off....
Man!! so much attitude even while begging??
Yesterday was on my way back from college and saw a couple on an activa clash with a bicyclist. both the parties fell royally and the poor guy on the cycle started bleeding. i initially jus stopped my bike since the activa rolled and came in the way of my bike and thank god i dint fall.. i parked my bike and was helping them along with many passer bys... the cycle guy was crying so badly and no rickshaw guy was ready to take him. they saw his condition and immediately said NO... but they never left stood at a corner and were watching him suffer.. i luckily had some sugar sachets in my bag since i had been to coffee day and ve this bad habit of flicking sachets of sugar and ketchup dunno why.. so i got that out and poured 3 packets of them on the wound and then somebody came whom he knew and he took care of him.
This way i see numerous incidents where people are just not worried about others. Human beings are selfish and so they have to be to survive.. but selfish to an extent that they can see someone die but can never help the one dying?? I feel we are no more so called SOCIAL animals... we slowly inching towards the stage when we were all animals..
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Paying off problems.....
Just realised that every single individual in this world is dissolved in an ocean of problems.... this hard fact was never fact to me untill im myself experiencing it... the feeling wasnt too good for me. took some time and then realised that my merely living this way im just wasting my days of life!!!!
who doesnt have problems in this world in their lives?? For some big problems may b small and fa some the other way... but problems are problems anyways... some may panic for a very small one and some may boldly just accept it as a part of life...
But i feel, Problems are only Problems when we define them as such. They are really learning events. As the saying goes...If it doesn't kill you , then it can only make you stronger. Whenever we encounter a problem we should try to look at it indifferently. No matter how bad it may be. When setting goals or designing a house, a blue print, a plan is needed. The same applies to Problems. We need a plan.
By just thinking about somethin bad that happened just to feel bad, is not gonna do any good.. we would merely just be wastin a day of our life where we could have done somethin productive....
Probably one of the most common and promising strategies used to avoid problems is just to ignore them. We have an amazing ability to blind ourselves to the issues in our lives. If we don’t see and acknowledge the problems, then they simply don’t exist. It is almost a miracle at how effective this technique can be.
It may not not sound practical but this surely logical... and things whic make good logic eventually end up being practical too!!!!
I certainly have problems that I’d like to avoid. Problems are hurtful, distracting and agitating. Why wouldn’t I want to get as far away from them as possible?
That feeling you get when a big crisis pops up is sickening. It can feel like you went bungee jumping without a rope.
That’s why I recently set out to find the most used strategies for running away from problems. I wanted to uncover some things I could try. Fortunately, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be to find popular tactics. It seems that I’m not alone in wanting to avoid problems. i have soo much comapany!!!!
who doesnt have problems in this world in their lives?? For some big problems may b small and fa some the other way... but problems are problems anyways... some may panic for a very small one and some may boldly just accept it as a part of life...
But i feel, Problems are only Problems when we define them as such. They are really learning events. As the saying goes...If it doesn't kill you , then it can only make you stronger. Whenever we encounter a problem we should try to look at it indifferently. No matter how bad it may be. When setting goals or designing a house, a blue print, a plan is needed. The same applies to Problems. We need a plan.
By just thinking about somethin bad that happened just to feel bad, is not gonna do any good.. we would merely just be wastin a day of our life where we could have done somethin productive....
Probably one of the most common and promising strategies used to avoid problems is just to ignore them. We have an amazing ability to blind ourselves to the issues in our lives. If we don’t see and acknowledge the problems, then they simply don’t exist. It is almost a miracle at how effective this technique can be.
It may not not sound practical but this surely logical... and things whic make good logic eventually end up being practical too!!!!
I certainly have problems that I’d like to avoid. Problems are hurtful, distracting and agitating. Why wouldn’t I want to get as far away from them as possible?
That feeling you get when a big crisis pops up is sickening. It can feel like you went bungee jumping without a rope.
That’s why I recently set out to find the most used strategies for running away from problems. I wanted to uncover some things I could try. Fortunately, it wasn’t as hard as I thought it would be to find popular tactics. It seems that I’m not alone in wanting to avoid problems. i have soo much comapany!!!!
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Anger Aftermath!!!!!!
Anger is an emotion. It is a reaction to a real or perceived threat. Our natural response to this emotion is rage. Physiologically, our heart rate speeds up. We may feel our cheeks become flushed and jaws clench. Some of us respond to the feeling of anger by slamming doors, confronting the person who we perceive to have caused our anger, or in this age of speedy computer technology, firing off an angry email. Those who easily fly off the handle are usually aware of this tendency and should take steps to react differently to adverse situations.
It is no surprise that anger can get out of hand. Anger blinds us to all but the focus of that anger. Ever heard the expression "I was so mad, I couldn't see straight." We must learn to use the energy created by our anger in a positive way. Rather that letting it get the best of us, we can channel our anger to make our needs known. That means turning our anger into assertion, not aggression.
It is no surprise that anger can get out of hand. Anger blinds us to all but the focus of that anger. Ever heard the expression "I was so mad, I couldn't see straight." We must learn to use the energy created by our anger in a positive way. Rather that letting it get the best of us, we can channel our anger to make our needs known. That means turning our anger into assertion, not aggression.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Kids during the summer....
Its the summer time and me again busy with the summer camps.... This is the only period when i like kids.. well i think its because i ve to?? will be chucked out if i dont like them.. so i eventually start liking them genuinely when i pretend to like them...
And one of my student who is 7 years of age happens to be my fav. student of all since she is very quite,obedient and well not troublesome at all... very cute.. she came upto my today and asked if she could leave early today.... i asked her why?? though i felt good that "ah let them all push off like this" .. then she replied to my question saying she is not feeling well... i asked her why again.. then she said she is feeling very tired!!!!! huh?! tired doing wat?? then i asked her wat she does at home... this is wat she said...
" sir mornin 9 30 to 10 30 i come here...
10 30 to 12 i go for swimming classes...
and then 1 to 3 i go for drawing classes.. then my mum asks me to go sleep till 4... and 4 30 to 6 30 i ve dance classes. and my dad picks me up from there at 7 and i ve my dinner watch pogo and sleep off like that"
phew i heard it scratched my head and wondered if she is gonna take up atleast one of them seriously?? damn these parents man.. is it coz their parents r dumb enuf to believe tat their kids can be master of all or is it just to show off and tell their counterparts what all their do?? and the sad part is once the schools reopen all tat the child is allowed to do is "STUDY"... thats it.. all mommies and dadys.. ah no not daddys... they are gud.. :P all u mommies please remember that they are kids... not machines..!!!!!!
And one of my student who is 7 years of age happens to be my fav. student of all since she is very quite,obedient and well not troublesome at all... very cute.. she came upto my today and asked if she could leave early today.... i asked her why?? though i felt good that "ah let them all push off like this" .. then she replied to my question saying she is not feeling well... i asked her why again.. then she said she is feeling very tired!!!!! huh?! tired doing wat?? then i asked her wat she does at home... this is wat she said...
" sir mornin 9 30 to 10 30 i come here...
10 30 to 12 i go for swimming classes...
and then 1 to 3 i go for drawing classes.. then my mum asks me to go sleep till 4... and 4 30 to 6 30 i ve dance classes. and my dad picks me up from there at 7 and i ve my dinner watch pogo and sleep off like that"
phew i heard it scratched my head and wondered if she is gonna take up atleast one of them seriously?? damn these parents man.. is it coz their parents r dumb enuf to believe tat their kids can be master of all or is it just to show off and tell their counterparts what all their do?? and the sad part is once the schools reopen all tat the child is allowed to do is "STUDY"... thats it.. all mommies and dadys.. ah no not daddys... they are gud.. :P all u mommies please remember that they are kids... not machines..!!!!!!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Every single thing matters.....
Everything we do will alter, in some way, our life…and the lives of others.
How does that settle with you?
This thought floats around in my brain often. How seemingly tiny things can have such deep consequences. Think about this. I oversleep. Because of that, I leave the house in a rush. Because I am rushed, I am not paying attention to the car in front of me. I have an accident. Now I have just altered not only my own life, but also the life of the person in front of me. And had I left the house just ten seconds earlier, or ten seconds later…the consequences would have been completely different.
And that's just only one small example.
There are no little things.
Point 1: We cannot control everything. Some things will happen just because we are where we are, doing what we are doing.
Point 2: If we accept the idea that all of our actions, no matter how small or big, have a far-reaching impact, then does that change at all how we live our life? While we cannot control exactly what will become because of our actions, we can still control the actions we put out into the universe.
What if…
What if we based even just a bit more of the things we do…the little things, the things we don't even think about…what if we based them on more awareness?
Would that change anything?
Perhaps you question, how can more awareness change anything for some of these mundane things…pouring that cup of coffee in the morning, brushing your teeth, taking the dog for a walk, smiling… They seem so simple, perhaps even routine. Think about it, though, as you perhaps…smile. What if that smile invites someone "in"….someone to come up to you who might not otherwise have done that. And what if a wonderful friendship begins because of that. All from a smile…. (or any of our actions, for that matter)
There are no little things.
In this moment you are making a choice of either acceptin what i ve written or not...
If the ones reading this accepts he is gonna be a winner in life and the others the otherwise.... ;) :P So therefore every single thing matters in our lives.. small or big or medium or whatever...
How does that settle with you?
This thought floats around in my brain often. How seemingly tiny things can have such deep consequences. Think about this. I oversleep. Because of that, I leave the house in a rush. Because I am rushed, I am not paying attention to the car in front of me. I have an accident. Now I have just altered not only my own life, but also the life of the person in front of me. And had I left the house just ten seconds earlier, or ten seconds later…the consequences would have been completely different.
And that's just only one small example.
There are no little things.
Point 1: We cannot control everything. Some things will happen just because we are where we are, doing what we are doing.
Point 2: If we accept the idea that all of our actions, no matter how small or big, have a far-reaching impact, then does that change at all how we live our life? While we cannot control exactly what will become because of our actions, we can still control the actions we put out into the universe.
What if…
What if we based even just a bit more of the things we do…the little things, the things we don't even think about…what if we based them on more awareness?
Would that change anything?
Perhaps you question, how can more awareness change anything for some of these mundane things…pouring that cup of coffee in the morning, brushing your teeth, taking the dog for a walk, smiling… They seem so simple, perhaps even routine. Think about it, though, as you perhaps…smile. What if that smile invites someone "in"….someone to come up to you who might not otherwise have done that. And what if a wonderful friendship begins because of that. All from a smile…. (or any of our actions, for that matter)
There are no little things.
In this moment you are making a choice of either acceptin what i ve written or not...
If the ones reading this accepts he is gonna be a winner in life and the others the otherwise.... ;) :P So therefore every single thing matters in our lives.. small or big or medium or whatever...
Monday, March 22, 2010
We are the best actors....
Was just wondering about how well we as human beings act... which is so very natural with no reharsals or practice....
Our real character or attitude or nature nobody knows... if there s someone who knows it thats "ourselves" only we know wat we like and wat we don't not even our parents know us as much as we kno about ourselves even though i have seen people showing off when asked about themselves by sayin " oh well.. my friends know me better.. i don't know much about myself bla bla" such fakies they are...
I observed a person for 24 hrs... and this is wat i found:
1) He wakes up late in the morning with absolutely no punctuality and discipline
He is exactly on time when it comes to meeting his gal friend for a date which was promised... so now will i assume him to a lazy bum since he gets up late and so dis organised or should i assume him to be a punctual soul just because he is on time to meet his gal or he is on time to the place where somebody is ready to do a favour for him...
2) He is so rude as a sibling to his brothers and sisters.. never listens to what they tell him or ask him.. so not bothered about them...
He is such a gentleman when it comes to his friends... his friends just love him the way he is.. so caring and concerned. never says "NO" to anythin...
so here should i assume tat he is an arrogant,non responsible moron or should i assume him to be the sweetest person i ve met ever???
3)He is a such a gud son at home to his parents.. does watever he is asked to.. helps his mum in different petty tasks which he is asked to and helps out his dad with some petty official work...
In the class he is so very disorganized.. never completes his work on time.. ends up getting thrown out of the class for being so indisciplined...
and here should i feel he is a very punctual and an obedient person or an indisciplined crook??
These were just some instances though there are so many to quote..
So i really wonder when people say " oh u know what... he is so short tempered at times.." or " oh u can never predict his behaviour" etc.. How can we comment on someone else when we ourselves may at times be worse than that..
In a day that person plays a role of a :
1)A Son (to his father and mother whic are different)
2)A sibling
3)A student
4)A friend
5)A boy friend(whic is so diff from just a friend)
6)An enemy
7)An advisor( as if he is very perfect )
8)A sinner
9)A helper
10)A customer
11)A seller ( when he sells his ideas )
12)A manupulator( so gud at it)
13)A broker ( i don't mean a pimp ;) )
well the list goes on... and i noticed that in every other character, he is not the same.. and the best part is the receiver of a particular character never knows that he has a diff side too... even if they know, its just an assumption they make...its because peeople often do not believe someone to be very sweet as the general attitude never permits human beings to think gud and positive untill its firmly proven the otherwise...
Why arnt we universal?? why arnt we the same with al?? discrimination begins right from us.. what rights do we have to complain about the discrimination in the society as a whole??
but i feel this is how the society works and this is how human mind is moulded.... We all are after all forms of nature and nature may b wants some joy and recreation watchin us behave so different at different times..
Its so very interestin to read general human psychology..." we are indeed unique "..
Our real character or attitude or nature nobody knows... if there s someone who knows it thats "ourselves" only we know wat we like and wat we don't not even our parents know us as much as we kno about ourselves even though i have seen people showing off when asked about themselves by sayin " oh well.. my friends know me better.. i don't know much about myself bla bla" such fakies they are...
I observed a person for 24 hrs... and this is wat i found:
1) He wakes up late in the morning with absolutely no punctuality and discipline
He is exactly on time when it comes to meeting his gal friend for a date which was promised... so now will i assume him to a lazy bum since he gets up late and so dis organised or should i assume him to be a punctual soul just because he is on time to meet his gal or he is on time to the place where somebody is ready to do a favour for him...
2) He is so rude as a sibling to his brothers and sisters.. never listens to what they tell him or ask him.. so not bothered about them...
He is such a gentleman when it comes to his friends... his friends just love him the way he is.. so caring and concerned. never says "NO" to anythin...
so here should i assume tat he is an arrogant,non responsible moron or should i assume him to be the sweetest person i ve met ever???
3)He is a such a gud son at home to his parents.. does watever he is asked to.. helps his mum in different petty tasks which he is asked to and helps out his dad with some petty official work...
In the class he is so very disorganized.. never completes his work on time.. ends up getting thrown out of the class for being so indisciplined...
and here should i feel he is a very punctual and an obedient person or an indisciplined crook??
These were just some instances though there are so many to quote..
So i really wonder when people say " oh u know what... he is so short tempered at times.." or " oh u can never predict his behaviour" etc.. How can we comment on someone else when we ourselves may at times be worse than that..
In a day that person plays a role of a :
1)A Son (to his father and mother whic are different)
2)A sibling
3)A student
4)A friend
5)A boy friend(whic is so diff from just a friend)
6)An enemy
7)An advisor( as if he is very perfect )
8)A sinner
9)A helper
10)A customer
11)A seller ( when he sells his ideas )
12)A manupulator( so gud at it)
13)A broker ( i don't mean a pimp ;) )
well the list goes on... and i noticed that in every other character, he is not the same.. and the best part is the receiver of a particular character never knows that he has a diff side too... even if they know, its just an assumption they make...its because peeople often do not believe someone to be very sweet as the general attitude never permits human beings to think gud and positive untill its firmly proven the otherwise...
Why arnt we universal?? why arnt we the same with al?? discrimination begins right from us.. what rights do we have to complain about the discrimination in the society as a whole??
but i feel this is how the society works and this is how human mind is moulded.... We all are after all forms of nature and nature may b wants some joy and recreation watchin us behave so different at different times..
Its so very interestin to read general human psychology..." we are indeed unique "..
Monday, March 1, 2010
Girls in today's world...
A young lady is giving directions to her new boyfriend to get to her apartment.
She says: ''You come to the front door of the apartment complex where I live and look for apartment 14A, and with your elbow push button 14A. Come inside and you'll find the elevator on the right. With your elbow hit 14.
When you get out of the elevator you'll find my apartment on the left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell and I'll open the door for you''
The boyfriend says: ''Dear, that sounds very easy to find, but why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow?''
"Oh my God!! You're not coming empty-handed, are you?'
Something which i wanted to share... heard one of my very experienced friend telling this... :P
She says: ''You come to the front door of the apartment complex where I live and look for apartment 14A, and with your elbow push button 14A. Come inside and you'll find the elevator on the right. With your elbow hit 14.
When you get out of the elevator you'll find my apartment on the left. With your elbow, hit my doorbell and I'll open the door for you''
The boyfriend says: ''Dear, that sounds very easy to find, but why am I hitting all these buttons with my elbow?''
"Oh my God!! You're not coming empty-handed, are you?'
Something which i wanted to share... heard one of my very experienced friend telling this... :P
Monday, February 1, 2010
"good times fly.. bad times crawl"
ISnt it true that gud times jus fly and bad times crawl???
Thats how it has always been with me... But its sucha sad and bad thing to happen and the worse is when i realised that "oh this is how its happening" :( sob...
The day something bad happens such as say a fight with a close friend or break up with our partner or any such bad day seems to move really slow.. but on the other hand an amazing day with our close and beloved ones or a kickass trip wit friends etc. such days jus seem to fly off... at the end of sucha day we feel "oh the day is over so soon.. i feel as if the day jus bugun and its already over.. :("
But a sad time is so very prolonging and never ending... the day seems to b an year the minutes seem to be hours...
IS this naturally designed this way so that we get adjusted to problems in our lives or is life itself pessimistic and envious about the good times people have?? hmmm i ve no clue why so..
The finest days and times i ve ever had is wit my friends and one very close friend in particular wit whom i ve shared all possible emotions that human beings inherit... and time just flies when im wit her.. both of us suddenly look at the time and realise oh its more than 3 hrs now and only afta we look at the time we then also realise that it has got so dark ... we gotta rush home.. we are late...
and the times when i ve fought wit my beloved ones time has jus moved very slow... i really don't understand why iss it so??
can somebody please answer the question please?? or is it only me who is feeling this way??!! anyways who cares as long as im enjoying it.. short or long.. :) :)
Thats how it has always been with me... But its sucha sad and bad thing to happen and the worse is when i realised that "oh this is how its happening" :( sob...
The day something bad happens such as say a fight with a close friend or break up with our partner or any such bad day seems to move really slow.. but on the other hand an amazing day with our close and beloved ones or a kickass trip wit friends etc. such days jus seem to fly off... at the end of sucha day we feel "oh the day is over so soon.. i feel as if the day jus bugun and its already over.. :("
But a sad time is so very prolonging and never ending... the day seems to b an year the minutes seem to be hours...
IS this naturally designed this way so that we get adjusted to problems in our lives or is life itself pessimistic and envious about the good times people have?? hmmm i ve no clue why so..
The finest days and times i ve ever had is wit my friends and one very close friend in particular wit whom i ve shared all possible emotions that human beings inherit... and time just flies when im wit her.. both of us suddenly look at the time and realise oh its more than 3 hrs now and only afta we look at the time we then also realise that it has got so dark ... we gotta rush home.. we are late...
and the times when i ve fought wit my beloved ones time has jus moved very slow... i really don't understand why iss it so??
can somebody please answer the question please?? or is it only me who is feeling this way??!! anyways who cares as long as im enjoying it.. short or long.. :) :)
Thursday, January 28, 2010
People come,people go........
Sometimes all you have to do is think about someone and they show up. Unfortunately it’s usually not the someone you had hoped for. People fly in and out of our lives at rapid speeds coming and going like the wind. Some stay a year, some a week, some long enough to read this post. Then there are the ones that are in it for the long haul. The ones who stick by you and not only help you sort your baggage but help carry the load as well. What makes someone stay in our lives? How do we have the power to keep them and is everything just up to chance or are we masters of our own fate’s?
As much as we may wish it weren’t so, a plain fact of human relationships is this: People come and people go. Someone that we have loved with all of our hearts one day can, quite literally, vanish from our lives the next. Not necessarily from death.. Sometimes simple circumstance can take a best friend, a lover or a partner right out of your hands, never to be seen again...That’s sad. But that’s life..:(
As much as we may wish it weren’t so, a plain fact of human relationships is this: People come and people go. Someone that we have loved with all of our hearts one day can, quite literally, vanish from our lives the next. Not necessarily from death.. Sometimes simple circumstance can take a best friend, a lover or a partner right out of your hands, never to be seen again...That’s sad. But that’s life..:(
Friday, January 15, 2010
MIssing someone!!!
To miss someone is sometimes mysterious. You miss the person and you don’t know why. To some, it indicates that the person means something to them, and they won’t know about it until the person is not around. They have that strange longing feeling to see the person around again.
Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder.. so the saying goes. How? When the person is gone for a while, you start to have that feeling, “How I wish she was here”. When you miss someone, you long for his/her presence. The next time the person shows up, you would for sure appreciate it much more and you might even let the person know how empty you feel when he/she’s not around. In this case, Yes, absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.
Maybe some even use it to TEST how much the person means to them by trying to be apart from the person for a period of time. Say, for 1 month. “If I can’t stand this one month being apart from her, that means I can’t live without her.” What about that? Speaking of “being apart temporarily” it reminds me of the needs to “take holidays” from each other. Heard of it before? Ouch, you must! Couples Need Holidays. lolzzzzzz
To miss someone is a feeling that tells us that no matter how selfish we are, we are just born to have other people’s company... that we need to have people around us, especially those who mean someone to us. It is also another test that yes, you’re a normal human being and if you miss someone, nothing much to worry though, the feeling just come and go but IF you really can’t stand it, Maybe you can do this... The next time the person comes again, tell the person how much emptiness you feel when he/she’s not around.. at least let the person know. Who knows, maybe he/she feels the same way too and again, Who Knows... because of your little confession, both of you don’t have to miss each other anymore. You know what I mean.
I ve been missin someone since last 20 odd days.. and this is how i ve been feeling.. :(..
Dear friend please come back... somebody is missing u very badly here..
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