Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What kind of a society am i living in???

I wonder if the society im living in, is the right one?!! i see and experience so many things that makes me wonder if this is the way society actually functions?? is it the right way? can something be done?is it worth to live in a society like this? can i do or can we the youth do something about it to bring a radical change?? or are we just fit for just blogging off in our blogger sites and end up living in the same society which has so many casualties!!

The day before was wandering in the streets of brigade road to buy something and something i saw which stopped my walk and i just could not walk for a few seconds even after it hap pend....
A young boy like me was walking on the foot path just like me and an eunuch(so called trans genders) asked fa alms and poor guy instead of chasing off was actually gettin his wallet out to give alms.. and he did not have any change and had only notes of 100... he said sorry i don't have but the eunuch started touching the boy at weird places and started harassing him and just snatched the 100 rupees note and pushed off....

Man!! so much attitude even while begging??

Yesterday was on my way back from college and saw a couple on an activa clash with a bicyclist. both the parties fell royally and the poor guy on the cycle started bleeding. i initially jus stopped my bike since the activa rolled and came in the way of my bike and thank god i dint fall.. i parked my bike and was helping them along with many passer bys... the cycle guy was crying so badly and no rickshaw guy was ready to take him. they saw his condition and immediately said NO... but they never left stood at a corner and were watching him suffer.. i luckily had some sugar sachets in my bag since i had been to coffee day and ve this bad habit of flicking sachets of sugar and ketchup dunno why.. so i got that out and poured 3 packets of them on the wound and then somebody came whom he knew and he took care of him.

This way i see numerous incidents where people are just not worried about others. Human beings are selfish and so they have to be to survive.. but selfish to an extent that they can see someone die but can never help the one dying?? I feel we are no more so called SOCIAL animals... we slowly inching towards the stage when we were all animals..

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