Friday, January 15, 2010

MIssing someone!!!

To miss someone is sometimes mysterious. You miss the person and you don’t know why. To some, it indicates that the person means something to them, and they won’t know about it until the person is not around. They have that strange longing feeling to see the person around again.

Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder.. so the saying goes. How? When the person is gone for a while, you start to have that feeling, “How I wish she was here”. When you miss someone, you long for his/her presence. The next time the person shows up, you would for sure appreciate it much more and you might even let the person know how empty you feel when he/she’s not around. In this case, Yes, absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.

Maybe some even use it to TEST how much the person means to them by trying to be apart from the person for a period of time. Say, for 1 month. “If I can’t stand this one month being apart from her, that means I can’t live without her.” What about that? Speaking of “being apart temporarily” it reminds me of the needs to “take holidays” from each other. Heard of it before? Ouch, you must! Couples Need Holidays. lolzzzzzz

To miss someone is a feeling that tells us that no matter how selfish we are, we are just born to have other people’s company... that we need to have people around us, especially those who mean someone to us. It is also another test that yes, you’re a normal human being and if you miss someone, nothing much to worry though, the feeling just come and go but IF you really can’t stand it, Maybe you can do this... The next time the person comes again, tell the person how much emptiness you feel when he/she’s not around.. at least let the person know. Who knows, maybe he/she feels the same way too and again, Who Knows... because of your little confession, both of you don’t have to miss each other anymore. You know what I mean.

I ve been missin someone since last 20 odd days.. and this is how i ve been feeling.. :(..
Dear friend please come back... somebody is missing u very badly here..


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

too much baap...!