Thursday, January 28, 2010

People come,people go........

Sometimes all you have to do is think about someone and they show up. Unfortunately it’s usually not the someone you had hoped for. People fly in and out of our lives at rapid speeds coming and going like the wind. Some stay a year, some a week, some long enough to read this post. Then there are the ones that are in it for the long haul. The ones who stick by you and not only help you sort your baggage but help carry the load as well. What makes someone stay in our lives? How do we have the power to keep them and is everything just up to chance or are we masters of our own fate’s?

As much as we may wish it weren’t so, a plain fact of human relationships is this: People come and people go. Someone that we have loved with all of our hearts one day can, quite literally, vanish from our lives the next. Not necessarily from death.. Sometimes simple circumstance can take a best friend, a lover or a partner right out of your hands, never to be seen again...That’s sad. But that’s life..:(

1 comment:

saki said...

hmmmm..ur right...but maybe a mutual fight to stay together works