What is a Civil War? I Googled it out to procure a deeper understanding on the same,not that i didn't know what it is after watching movies such as Hotel Rwanda and Blood Diamond. But still wanted to get an quick idea before i wrote this.After reading many Articles finally our own Wikipedia said:A Civil War is a war between citizens of the same country.
My mind finally received a very crisp and clear idea on what a Civil War is.
Then i wondered and realized that the biggest Civil war that i can possibly think of in our own minds!!! Leave apart the countries in the world, If i have to think about our mind as a country, it no way stops me from thinking so, as it is full of different opinions,ideas,actions,reactions etc. and i personally felt mind is a miniature or probably bigger than the real country itself.
Now Why a Civil War? Yes our minds are also divided just like how a country is into states,districts,taluks,constituencies and so on. Likewise our mind is divided into the good, the bad ,the ugly, the matured,the child,the adult etc and it goes on.
For example - A person wants to buy a car, one mind says- "No! why do you want to invest on cars? it is anyways going to depreciate!"
Second mind says- "Dude life is anyways about passion and enjoying what you have earned."
The third says: "Dude your friend beside house has bought one and is never using, so why not strike a deal with him? "
And the list of opinions go on..
Similarly our mind finally and eventually will never let us rest in peace!! It just has to complicate and trouble us in all possible ways and in all possible things that we try to do and establish to eventally De-stabilize a stabilized and a sound soul.
Why aren't we able to understand the very fact that nothing is wrong in life until it's proved otherwise??
Why aren't we able to understand no matter what,what has to happen will happen??
Why aren't we able to understand that what the genuine mind knows is what we really want and why can't we quietly listen to it and not unnecessarily get influenced??
Let's keep things simple! Because life is just too short to think so much as thinking isn't the end. We tend to think even after what we would have actioned after thinking as well.. Phew thinking is actually quite an complicated act and often i hear and come across people who say "dude think before you do!!" Well to all those dear friends and folks- "Thinking is after all not that easy AT ALL!!!
There is one saying which suits this topic the best----> IGNORANCE IS BLISS
Let us all think, oops not thinking ;) Let us all believe that no matter what, whatever happens,happens for good.If someone dies there is some good for the people who carry out the rituals.
If some one's car breaks down there is something good for the mechanic near by.
A last but not the least if someone thinks too much he would come up with a writing like this no matter what.No one could stop me from writing this :) :)
KEEP IT SIMPLE n PLEASE SMILE and you never know as it may finally end the Civil War that was mentioned earlier. and may help in end many other Civil Wars in so many other's mind.
But all you pretty girls, do not give a real good smile to men,as a Civil War might Begin in a man's head where he might start thinking- "Is she good? or is she bad? can i propose her? or should i not??
Ah Let me take Adieu by saying, Sid!!------> IGNORANCE IS any day BLISS!!! Stop thinking and go to sleep.
My mind finally received a very crisp and clear idea on what a Civil War is.
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