Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Amazing liars....

Well, such a tough question to answer when someone asks " Do you have any siblings?" Not because it is easy to say i don't have but i have to tell the same when i know i had one.

When someone asks me the question, a plethora of thoughts and emotions go through me which really makes me think twice if to say yes or no. Yes because i feel he is feel somewhere around and no because i know i cant prove it to others that he is around except for myself.

I met a new person today who asked me if i have siblings, and i say "no i do not" even though i wish i could say - "Yes- i do have a sibling who is doing really well in life. And the next statement i hear is " oh wow, single child haan, great you must be all pampered isnt it?? "

All said and done, how will people know if i had one or have one untill i tell them isnt it., So i realized, there are two lives running parallel to each other.. A) life for yourself you live and B) life that you need to live for others and fortunately i' m ok living with both of them. :)

Good night blogger. :)

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