Saturday, July 4, 2009

To my dearest frnd.......

All though this world has tied your wishes with the rope,
in this situation also dont loose hope.
This is a stormy night but a sunny day will come soon,
And in this stormy night .take courage from the lovely moon.

If you lacka good advisor,you yourself give and take advice,
And in every sad situation be happy and rejoice.
If you want somebody to care and love,make him inside you,
and live with each other in a hopeful view.

At present work hard and encourage your soul,
and make a hardworkin effort to reach your goal.
others are jobless and can only oppose,
you have to reach the heights and then only pose..

for somedays close your ears and open your minds,
and work hard towards the goals you find.
Don't give ears to other's silly say,
And always wait for your your flourishing dream day...

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