Wednesday, September 2, 2009


Feelin so nostalgic after vacating the old house and entering a new house..... new place,new people around everythin new exept the gadgets and accessories whic was in my old house...... after spending 8 odd years years it was very painful to leave the old one and live here though this house much better in all respects.. there are lots of sentiments and emotions attached to the old house...

I miss the terrace of the old house whic was 24/7 open and could do watever i want to do out there... and here its always locked and have to take the watchman's permission of al the enter the terrace...

I miss the cool bachleors who lived right oppiste my house who used 2 be awake till late night and give me company when i burn my midnight oil studying 4 my exams.. and here ?? nah.. here my balcony is somewhere in middle of the sky... i feel im in a different layer of atmosphere all together...

I miss the nights when my friends used 2 come over to my house when my parents were outta station and end up sleeping on the roof afta gettin sloshed and afta passing out... here i cant even think of it...

I miss the long lane whic was in between the building where every weekend me along wit my frnds play cricket and all the young couples used 2 walk and admire our game and yea also some elements who used 2 yell at us..

I wanna go back 2 my old house... :(( :( :( hope the new house is much beter in terms of bringing gud and bad times.. coz after al its the house wher finally all our thought processes germinate...

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