Thursday, December 31, 2009
living the future!!!!!
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Life is like sand. . .
Friday, November 6, 2009
Nobody owns Nobody!!!!!!!
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Its a god's gift!!!!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Two imporatant people all of us need!!!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Wat my mind says....
Dealing with death is a process we all must endure at some time in our life. When we receive the notice of the death of a loved one, the words crush our hearts and take our breath away. One message cannot stand on its own as memories and thoughts rush through our minds in a flurry of emotion. If the person was extremely close to us, we may even feel anger at the person for leaving us alone to face the world.
In all walks of life, people have devised ways to help them cope with the inevitability and finality of death. In all lifestyles, talking is the best way to open your heart and allow the grief to subside. Talking releases the emotions; it clears space in your heart and mind for a touch of joy to enter your life.
If someone you know has suffered a loss, the best thing you can do for that person is to listen. Face the person, don’t look away, and give them your full attention. You did not cause the tears they shed; neither did you cause the pain they are feeling. The tears make the pain more visible to you, but you did not give them the pain. It was already there.
When they cry, you may feel helpless and not know what to do. Just remember, you don't need to do a thing, just be there for them. Allow their tears to flow and it will help them to heal.
You need not speak, but do not turn away. Your silence as they cry is all they need. Be patient and do not fear. Listening with your heart to what they feel relieves their pain; for when the tears can freely come and go, their heart will become lighter in spirit.
I believe when we have learned all the lessons we were sent to Earth to learn, we are allowed to shed our physical body and return in spirit. Our body imprisons our soul the way a cocoon encloses the future butterfly. At the time of our physical death, we will be free of pain, free of fears and free of worries. We will be as a beautiful butterfly returning home to God.
The most important thing for you to remember is you are never alone. There are people who can help you cope with your grief as deal with it you must. For life goes on and you will continue to grow and to sing, to love and to dance, even after your loved one has parted. We cannot avoid the pain death brings into our life, but we can choose to not allow that pain to overwhelm us to the point of a lifeless non-existence.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
u understand a woman's mind, u can understand anybodys!!!!
Some facts according to me!!!!
If u Don't, she says u are PROUD.
If u DRESS nicely, she says u are trying to LURE her;
If u Don't, she says u are from CHENNAI.
If u ARGUE with her, she says u are STUBBORN;
If u keep QUIET, she says u have no BRAINS.
If u are SMARTER than her, she'll lose FACE;
If she's Smarter than u, she is GREAT.
If u don't Love her, she tries to POSSESS u;
If u Love her, she will try to LEAVE u (very true huh?)
If u don't make love with her, she says ! u don't Love her;
If u do!! she says u are CHEAP.
If u tell her your PROBLEM, she says u are TROUBLESOME;
If u don't, she says that u don't TRUST her.
If u SCOLD her, u are like a CHACHA to her;
If she SCOLDS u, it is because she CARES for u.
If u BREAK your PROMISE, u Cannot be TRUSTED;
If she BREAKS hers, she is FORCED to do so.
If u SMOKE, u are BAD BOY;
If she SMOKES, she is a GENTLELADY.
If u do WELL in your exams, she says it's LUCK;
If she does WELL, it's BRAINS.
If u HURT her, u are CRUEL;
If she HURTS u, u are too SENSITIVE!! & sooo hard to please!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Why am i not!!!!
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
The strength of silence!!!!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Condition at the sub saharan africa.......
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Whats peace of mind???
Why Does our mind constantly run from one thought to another, always restless, never calming down or getting still for a moment?Do worries, anxieties or fears occupy our mind, preventing inner peace and happiness? Do we always worry and get stressed by what other people think, say or do?
Do we feel that our life and our mind are being always tossed here and there, like a rudderless boat in stormy ocean? I think most of us in this contemporary world feel more or less the same...
In a world where stress, worries, fears, strain, rush and restlessness abound, inner peace is of paramount importance. It is a treasure that everyone desires, but very few know how to find and enjoy.Almost everyday we face situations that cause stress, anxieties, worries or unhappiness. Problems, conflicts, demands, misunderstandings or emergencies often arise at work, at home or in relationships, and lead to emotional and physical strain or problems.
Often, even while being in good financial condition and in good health, people still experience anxiety, unhappiness and lack of peace. This is because inner peace and happiness come from within, and do not depend on external conditions and circumstances. You cannot always change or control your external conditions, but you can certainly bring changes into your inner world, which will in turn affect your actions, reactions and external world.So inspite of having all possible necessities that an individual needs to spend a comfy life why are we still dissatisfied?? what is the hidden truth that can get us the peace of mind status?
If it was the time of the sanyasis and the saints the answer would have been pretty simple... but we are in a very different world all together!!!!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
To my dearest frnd.......
in this situation also dont loose hope.
This is a stormy night but a sunny day will come soon,
And in this stormy night .take courage from the lovely moon.
If you lacka good advisor,you yourself give and take advice,
And in every sad situation be happy and rejoice.
If you want somebody to care and love,make him inside you,
and live with each other in a hopeful view.
At present work hard and encourage your soul,
and make a hardworkin effort to reach your goal.
others are jobless and can only oppose,
you have to reach the heights and then only pose..
for somedays close your ears and open your minds,
and work hard towards the goals you find.
Don't give ears to other's silly say,
And always wait for your your flourishing dream day...
Monday, June 1, 2009
An experience to remember !!!!
Well the institute of charted accountants of india have hired mmy college classrooms to conduct their examinations as the rooms are empty because of vacation going on..
So we seniors being jobless at home anyways were asked to invigilate the exam halls and they were paying us a good decent amount of money which is quite sufficient for us as college students to take our gal friends out for a date.. hehe
So all of us assembled today at the college and brother the registrar of my college just briefed us as wat we have to and wat not to do.. and we could see all the candidates witing and could see many tensed faces in front of all the exam halls... and those tensed faces got smiles on our faces coz i could recall the days we struggle before our exams and the people who used 2 invigilate our exams used to cooly get into the classrooms and casually hand out the question papers to us after which we get fucked for sure... and they watch used gettin screwed by the question paper..
So was expecting some such scenes whic i can witness which we as students faced when we had our degree exams...
They all were grown ups.. they looked easily late 25s and 30s.. We looked lik their younger brothers or even sons and daughters to some.. The bell rang and i had an co invigilator who happens 2 b my close frnd.. so both of us handed over the answer the sheets to them.. and i read out the instructions to them.. And they all looked as if im reading out somethin which they ve neva heard! may be coz they dint expect the invigilators to b of their children's age.. hehe may b..:)
Then two or thre were actually little young and were gud looking.... and as we had to anyways pass 3 full hours in the exam hall... so ended up checking out where they live in their hall tickets wher their adresses were given..... ;) and sadly the phone nos werent ther.. :( and afta all the formalities we notice that its just one hour that we have passed.. then the second hour we passed by just giving running commentary abt diff people who were sittin in the hall looking at their facial expressions.. and then suddenly i felt 1 f the candidate was takin advantage of our casual behaviour... so got up and stood right beside him for about ten minutes...
At 3 pm the peon got us hot tea and we just sipped it slowly in front of the tensed and worried candidates imagining them to be our college lecturers whom we hate.. hehe loved the feeling... :))
and jus 1 hour was left we kept on updating them wit the time tats left for the exam and ended up panicing them al the more.. The pleasure we got in looking at them rush through the exam was just worth cherishing.. coz we have gone thru the same pain an tension when we had our exams... so its nice to see someone in the position in which we were...
anyways have this job every alternate day this whole week.. want to have fun as much as i can and somehow get introduced to the chick ;) may be will let her copy in the exam and then carry n with the flow.. :P.....
Saturday, May 16, 2009
wat is true for u,may not be for me!!!!!!
anyways my observation wasnt a waste.. :) I find people, whoever it may be , very much self centered in their talks... That is something very natural for a human being. but i get a lot of utopian thoughts which restrict me in acceptin wat they are doing as right... i feel even im a victim of this particular syndrome.. but why?? why am i too?? why do i want to prove my point so badly when i don't even know wat the actual truth is??
I dunno if people wanna prove their point so badly coz they think thats the actual truth?? or do they talk coz they want others to kno tat they cn think too?? i find a lot of reasons for them to behave that way...
I finally realized that TRUTH in today's contemporary world is "highly subjective" in nature...
For me truth may be for example "A" for my fellow friend truth may be "B" but in actual reality truth might be "Z".. hehe wierd but true....
Friday, May 1, 2009
Our happiness is never in our hands......
My happiness atleast is never in my hands... and when i thought about the whole issue and after a lot of empathy, felt hat its not true just in my case but almost in all rational human beings excluding the selfish ones.. Nobody can be happy with just him or her being wealthy or if he posseses everything that he needs.. It is very vital for the people around him to be happy too if he is gotta be happy..
According to me the feeling of happiness comes to its true effect only when it is shared with others.. Its not happiness when someone is experiencing it in isolation.
If a person attains 1st rank in his exams he feels all the more happy only when his friends and the people whom he knows acknowledges his achievement... and also the person attaining the 1st rank is not just his effort.. There are loads of other factors which are responsible for him to attain what he has.. Firstly his teacher,secondly his parents, thirdly his friends, fourthly the person who has valued his paper.. in this way his final happiness actually depends on various factors lik the above mentioned..
One cannot be happy only if just he is happy or only if his personal needs are satisfied.. For example if an individual is bestowed with all human capabilities, if he is monetarily healthy,phsically healthy wiith no problems in his personal life at all doess'nt mean he can be happy.. What if everyone else around him are casualities of the problems that life imposes??? I don't think he can be happy with only his self sucess and glory...
I now realise how important it is to be good to whoever you meet and make them feel good because without their happiness and satisfaction we cant be happy and without our good wishes to them they cant be happy.. so its a mutual give an take policy that we social beings follow that makes us so complex and unique...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How narrow minded can people get....
Why don't people think the way which is positive when they are not sure of what the reality is... Is it that they do it wantedly by just looking at the negative way??? do we aquire any pleasure in lookin at the darker side thn the brighter??? i ve no clue..
I always find people thinkin in the most nagative way as they can even though they talk as if their minds are the broadest of all.. but the inner feeling is just the opposite..
This attitude is predominantly found in felid of relationships between a boy friend and a gal friend... between one friend n another... between a husband and a wife.. literaly in all possible relationships that people share with one another...
If the husband comes late from office the wife starts thinkin only things which are negative.. even if she doesnt completely think only the negative, that is the 1st way she wud think and then changes her attitude..
If the guy hasnt been answering his gal frnds cal n if it has been busy thn start thinkin who is he talkin to?? is he dating some1 els??
If the student comes late to class teacher thinks, he has been perinially running behind some gal or a guy an is nt at all into studies when may b the actuality would be tat the poor student would ve met with an accident...
Why arnt pple lettin positive thoughts enter the mind FIRST???? Then start think about the diff other probables?? why always negative? i dunno if the feel comfy in thinkin so... or may b they ve got habituated in thinkin so...
The best is when people start thinkin about a guy n a gal just talkin to each other as gud close friends.. oh my god their horizons are just too far when they think about the guy an the gal and their relationship... I don understand why people are so narrow minded n don't even realize wat they are doing is wrong and even if they do they are not ready to change their attitude..
Even with the improved health facilities i feel the lifespan of people would come down due to attitude lik this...
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Love with wat?? Im in love with my life .. n who is my life?? haha my life is my soul.. and who is in my soul?? wel its some1 about whom i care about, whom i bother about the most and finally once again whom i love.. Now let me make myself clear about wat love is...
Wat is love?? Love according to me is a feeling.. or to be more relevant to the current trend or time means an expression of a feeling that one feels .. expression regarding somethin without feelings isnt love... The contemporary world has given a very immatured meaning and ve a very bleak n narrow opinion about love... Is love only when a guy and a gal go out?? is it only wen they kiss?? is it only wen they make out?? Cant love b experienced without all these?? I think love can b felt and experienced by some1 who has'nt even come across the word "LOVE"..
Wat are the symptoms of love??
Wen you are happy all the time,wen u think of oly the gud,wen u look at only the positive side of every aspect of life and u don even know tat there exits a negative side...
Am i right about wateva i said about love??
I have always heard people sayin "love hurts" "love is painful" etc. etc. but y am i nt feeling so?? i may question myself that im happy may be coz my love life is a sucessful one?? i have an answer for it.. no i have no such expectation from anythin in this life.. so wen i have no expectation from life itself why will i expect something from my love??
And i have heard some1 tellin me or rather askin me few blunt questions about love.. " wat to do??" "so wat if its love??" " so wat if both lik each other now??" My goodness those questions were so damn realistic n true.. thats wen i actually started thinkin about wat love is n now i have a very optimistic n a reasonable idea about it...
Those questions echoed for a very long time. i wud say even now.. yeah its still echoing..
Actually im very badly confused about the whole idealogy "LOVE" (once called it a feeling now calling an ideology) When is someone in love? wen he thinks only about one particular person? or only wen he thinks only about a thing?
Its very confusing...
And the most confusing part is...
Wats happening to me? why am i getting so matured and thinkin so much?? Is it coz im in love too?? but how is it possible???
None of us in this world know head n ttail of wat love is n hw can we be in love?? For some1 love is obsession, for some attraction, for some attachment.. and for me?? ... hahaha.. i dunno.. im turning way tooo senseless n heartless day by day..
Is it gud or bad??
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
It hurts....
The guy is was a big time flirt untill the day he got to kno that gal inside out... the guy had no seriousness in his life. He was just into tapping gals, flirtin going out, n very soon starts loosing intrest in tat gal n finally ends up fighting and ending that particular relationship.. All his friends think he is the biggest flirt ever they have seen and believe in the fact that they are never gonna witness some1 lik him ever in their lifetime..
But he is no more a flirt.. i kno him really well. he has just changed a lottt.. lot is nt the word thats appropriate.. he has jus taken a 360 degree turn in his life.. he thinks all optimistic.. doesnt lech at all possible gals and i was shocked to know that he has 4got how to flirt.. he feels shy to go and talk to any random gal. i duno if he feels shy or doesnt feel comfy but he no more does whic surprises me..
The gal and the guy became reeli gud n close friends.. They used to spend a lot of time hanging arnd at all possible places.. and my friend says he has neva met a gal lik her.. The kinda explanation he gave abt her made me feel as if i was in the heaven for a while.. he might have exaggerated a bit but however it was it made even me feel gud listening to it. n surprised me making me think "do pple lik tat exist??".
And after tellin everythin 2 me he says tat she is just his friend n nothin more thn tat .. i was pretty shocked 2 hear tat sentence. coz i thot they both were goin arnd.. but no..
It took me by surprise and i felt its reeli hard to have a relationship of tat sort.. Days went by and he everyday told me wat happened tat day n he used 2 b reeli exited tellin me all that and i dint ve any othr choice but to listen... The story wasnt all that dry though.. :)
And now coming to the climax of the whole story.. Time has come for them to depart. Time has arrived for him to no longer stay close and together with her.. He is planning to soon leave the city for good. i ve no problems with tat but 1 thing tat bothers me is will he continue being lik how he is right now?? or will he get back to the way he was which i neva liked.. I dont want my best friend to change.. as the saying goes that some1 will come in our lives to influence our character and who change us for gud.. and for him, unknowingly that gal has been the source of change... which i doubt if he realized it..
So keeping all these factors in mind its very hard for me to see the shadow of that angel going off whic shined so bright on him and injected all possible positive energy into him... I hope he is able to get adapted as soon as possible to the change and is able to get over the hangover of it...
I cant see him hurt n cant see him in a pain... i want some or the other form of energy to take over n keep a check on his life and lifestyle coz i kno him very well.. he cant ve control on himself without a genuine external force acting on him even though he seems to b controlled and matured outside..
i pray to god that he is soon able to get over the pain n is able to continue the way he is and not he was... i dont want him 2 b a flirt and a person who has no concern 4 himself n others.. who is just living 4 the heck of it...
It just feels reeli great to see a transition of this sort in any person for that matter... i dont know how 2 thank that gal for standing beside him and being the agent of change in him.. may all her dreams get fulfiled .. and i feel she will get watevr she wants and urges for.. and i very strongly feel she will get wat she wants coz, i have never seen someone who is good to all and all being good to that someone ever having a miserable life History proves that.. And if someone end s up being rude and bad to her than i wudnt consider him to be a human being... People lik the would be like speck of dust to her..
Even problems will bring happiness in her and she will reach heights in whichever feild she is in..
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Why are we forgetting the fact that without givin somethin we are neva gonna get anythin in return...and we also forget the fact that nt neccessarily we have 2 get somethin in return if we are giving out somethin.... we 4get the fact tat we are in a conundrum there........
And moreover nowadays expectations of the people, are gettin higher and higher , from the people and from their lives... GROWING EXPECTATIONS.... GROWING DISAPPOINTMENTS!!!! we expect someone 2 behave in a way and if that doesnt happen we get disappointed..... we expect somethin to happen and if that doesnt we again get disappointed.....
Wel im nt lookin at it only in one way.. i kno we expect somethin n if that happens we feel extremely happy and great... but most of the times if wat we expect doesnt happn, the intensity of feeling bad is faaaar more and higher than the feeling of happiness wen we get wat we expect... i feel it shud be evenly balanced.....
The besht thing to do is to neva expect anythin... this adds on more thrill because anything that happens unexpected gives far higher thrill than happening wen its already expected...
wen something happens which we are already expectin is no joy...
gettin somethin without expectation gives far beta joy n thrill...
So .... GIVE UR BEST... EXPECT THE WORST!!!!!! So wen we get somethin reeli gud, we shall feel all the more better and rejoiced coz we are expecting something worse n gud happens... :) ... and also get a feel of satisfaction that "ok i did well and so i got it" !!!!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
The last few dying days of college!!!!!
Are all human beings lik this?? that when they have it they never use it and when they are just about to loose it or already lost they start understanding the value of it..
I remem when all the lectures sounded boring to me,made no sense at all.. but now the lectures seem so damn inspiring to me... every lecture i feel im learning somethin new.. i seriously feel if i would have the attitude which im right now having i would ve learnt much more then i ve right now..
And sadly the kind of frinds the number of friends and also the quality of friends i have made in the last 10 or 12 months can be rated atleast fifty to hundred times better than the ones i had in the first 24 months... god!!!!! its all the more painful when i think about it...
Anyways its life and gotta move on with the flow... I would surely like to keep in touch with some reeli special people who are the sweetest people i have ever met in my 20 years of life...
and also to all my lecturers who i feel have commpletely changed the bent of mind whic i had pre under graduation... marvelous preaching i should say...
I very frankly feel if one has got a chance to study from st joseph's bangalore and finds himself in the humanities block then he has to consider himself to be reeli lucky to have landed in ..
Yea it is lil strict but certainly the pros are more than the cons ... -ves should just be blown off like dust and the positives should be neva 4gotten... im sure if i get married and if at all end up havin kids and if the kid grows up in bangalore i would surely see to it that he too will be a JOSEPHITE!!!!!!