Thursday, May 23, 2013

Who is gonna bridge the Generation Gap??

It was very stormy weather this night where the rain lashed at the ground hard and the trees made lashing and whooshing sound when there was a similar mood set in my mind as well.

I was gazing at a future where we have crossed our youth long ago and are doing something which we personally never wanted to.

I could see the current genration very well handicapped in terms of descision making where our minds,just like our brain are split into three parts. Namely:

1)Personal opinion
2)Parents and family opinion
3)No opinion

It is a tricky situation that the current genaration is facing where the youth is perplexed wondering if to listen to themselves or if to listen to their parents and the other elder ones in the family.
The bold ones decide to listen to their inner self and intuition and the comparitively defensive ones decide to listen to their parents as they would want to be in the good books and also to lead a risk free life.

I see that whole Indian society is pretty much canvassed with the issue of deciding and proving as to who is right and who is not. Are we right or the elders??
The elders want to prove a point that the life has to be led the way they led it when they were young and the younger lot feels things should go on the way they want to.

Now, who is going to win and who is going to loose here??? Are the elder ones going to compromise or the younger ones?

Competetion apart, I recently came across a situation where the son comes home intoxicated ( not sloshed ) as a result of a small party which he had to attend since his friend happened to be one of his really close pals.

The father does not let him in and asks for a promise that the son would never drink again. And the son here is a mid 20s gentleman who can very well take care of his bread and butter for living is asked to promise something which he knows he has to break very soon as he is aware that the world today is not the way it was 25 years ago. 
He tries to to make his dad understand how the world outside is today and it isn't possible to live the way his dad is expecting him to as if he does so he may very well be stigmatized from his usual society with whom he spends more that half of the day.

It is a world where the youth is no longer are superstitious!
It is a world where the youth is very well educated and aware about what is happening around them!
It is a world where one does not work in a company for 25 years and then retire!
It is a world where a 5 year old kid has an Iphone in it's hand.

Let the adults march with the time, as time is something which cannot and will not stop either. We or the previous gen stopping ti walk with the time will only leave them behind where things around them are moving ahead and they are just watching them all race past them and they are struggling to catch up later.

Would like to finally tell all the adults:

Dear adults...
We know what we are doing. we knew what we have done and also we will be knowing what we would be doing. We very well plan our future as we are not equally but more concerned about is as we have to lead it in your absence some years later. And nobody to take care of us as families are nuclear families now and we do not have 5 or 6 siblings!

Kindly trust us and our actions as our happiness is eventually going to lead to your happiness and comfort at your old age.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Do you sleep?? Mr. Mind?

I have always thought every living thing in this whole wide world sleeps and takes some rest for itself to rejuvenate and sustain itself in a healthy manner.

Then my mind drifted towards all our minds,my mind in particular. I wondered " Does it sleep? Does it rest? If so, how? when? where? because i have never felt my mind to be empty!

There is something or the other that keeps running which keeps itself occupied 365 days a year and 24 hours a day.

If now it is about my parents,later it is about my life. Today if it is about my career tomorrow it is about owning a car. If this second it is about hunger next second it is about a trip to Burj Khaleefa!

This i realized after some conversations with few of my friends and folks that their mind is no different..
The difference being if i am thinking about a car someone else is thinking about a bike! That's it!

Our minds strain itself to such an extent that it doesn't rest even when we are sleeping for sure.
No wonder we get such strong dreams. Why should we get dreams if our minds are quite,calm and relaxing??

May god bless our minds and teach it how to rest and stay calm and peaceful. Or do we need GOD's help for it? Can we do something about it ourselves???

OK, so there you go. The next point to think about is already ready! So let me go ahead and find out how not to think and let even the mind rest for sometime and not be selfish by giving only myself some rest and not my mind!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Cry!

I cry!

Sometimes every day, sometimes every night.
Sometimes i cry in such a way that my face smiles, but i'm actually crying inside.
Some times i cry for the person who is no longer beside who was never kept aside.

When i cry out loud people say do not be kiddish,
When i cry out inside myself and act as if i'm fine people say your behavior is so foolish.

Cry is an outburst of human emotions,
It is not an outburst of an individual's irritation.

I cry when i think of my colorful past,
Because nature did not design it for it to last.

When i say i am sad, i am missing someone else and the sadness will soon end,
People think: " Oh it is nothing but he was dumped by his girlfriend".

I cry again! Not because i am sad,
But it is because the present is so bad!

All cry!
Some keep it to themselves, and keep their mouth tight,
But i have a blog here where i visit and just write.

Thank you so much Google to have developed Blogger,
Expressing my feelings here i feel caressed like a toddler.

People!! One last time,
I cry because it is an attempt to forget my recent past which is so dry!

I cry, and i cry!
Only to finally try and not cry again as people do not like to see me cry.

And i am not the only individual in this unique and complicated situation,
There are many more in  the same competition!

I wipe my eyes now as not too far is the next day's morning,
Where i don't want to wake up yawning.

Good night Blogger! :) :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Civil War in our mind,,,,

What is a Civil War? I Googled it out to procure a deeper understanding on the same,not that i didn't know what it is after watching movies such as Hotel Rwanda and Blood Diamond. But still wanted to get an quick idea before i wrote this.After reading many Articles finally our own Wikipedia said:A Civil War is a war between citizens of the same country.

My mind finally received a very crisp and clear idea on what a Civil War is. 

Then i wondered and realized that the biggest Civil war that i can possibly think of in our own minds!!! Leave apart the countries in the world, If i have to think about our mind as a country, it no way stops me from thinking so, as it is full of different opinions,ideas,actions,reactions etc. and i personally felt mind is a miniature or probably bigger than the real country itself.

Now Why a Civil War? Yes our minds are also divided just like how a country is into states,districts,taluks,constituencies and so on. Likewise our mind is divided into the good, the bad ,the ugly, the matured,the child,the adult etc and it goes on.

For example - A person wants to buy a car, one mind says- "No! why do you want to invest on cars? it is anyways going to depreciate!" 

Second mind says- "Dude life is anyways about passion and enjoying what you have earned."

The third says: "Dude your friend beside house has bought one and is never using, so why not strike a deal with him? "

And the list of opinions go on..

Similarly our mind finally and eventually will never let us rest in peace!! It just has to complicate and trouble us in all possible ways and in all possible things that we try to do and establish to eventally De-stabilize a stabilized and a sound soul.

Why aren't we able to understand the very fact that nothing is wrong in life until it's proved otherwise??

Why aren't we able to understand no matter what,what has to happen will happen??

Why aren't we able to understand that what the genuine mind knows is what we really want and why can't we quietly listen to it and not unnecessarily get influenced??

Let's keep things simple! Because life is just too short to think so much as thinking isn't the end. We tend to think even after what we would have actioned after thinking as well.. Phew thinking is actually quite an complicated act and often i hear and come across people who say "dude think before you do!!" Well to all those dear friends and folks- "Thinking is after all not that easy AT ALL!!! 

There is one saying which suits this topic the best----> IGNORANCE IS BLISS

Let us all think, oops not thinking ;) Let us all believe that no matter what, whatever happens,happens for good.If someone dies there is some good for the people who carry out the rituals. 

If some one's car breaks down there is something good for the mechanic near by. 

A last but not the least if someone thinks too much he would come up with a writing like this no matter what.No one could stop me from writing this :) :) 

KEEP IT SIMPLE n PLEASE SMILE and you never know as it may finally end the Civil War that was mentioned earlier. and may help in end many other Civil Wars in so many other's mind. 

But all you pretty girls, do not give a real good smile to men,as a Civil War might Begin in a man's head where he might start thinking- "Is she good? or is she bad? can i propose her? or should i not??

Ah Let me take Adieu by saying, Sid!!------> IGNORANCE IS any day BLISS!!! Stop thinking and go to sleep.