Saturday, April 22, 2017

Traumatic ACL

Something was not right. I knew something was just wrong somewhere deep inside my knee. Assumptions and imaginations gave up and finally the mind diverted itself to science and technology post my physiotherapist's advice went for an MRI. It  was an experience in itself. While filling up the admission form for the MRI a lady beside me was asking the radiologist some questions which amused me.

Lady: Hi, I feel a little claustrophobic usually, so all i want to know is if my entire body is going to get inside the machine.

Radiologist: Yes Maam. Generally 3/4th of the body slides into the giant magnet which makes wobbly sounds and to prevent your headache we provide you free cotton to shut your ears!
Well, what a favor! A pair of cotton for an 8k scan..Interesting.

Soon i was called and fortunately my upper body was completely out and only the part of my body until my knee was sent into the machine which took its own time to run,to shout,to yell and finally i suddenly felt someone waking me up. That's when i realized that i was fast asleep, something which i love.

I had a swollen  leg and my dad waiting downstairs for me and a Hanuman temple right across the road. Many years later i went inside the temple and prayed to god (Basically to myself, as i see myself in god) and hoped there wasn't anything complicated. Three hours later i receive a SMS from the diagnostic centre that my scan report is ready and can be accessed by clicking a link. And i did and automatic PDF download took place and i read: Almost complete tear in the anterior cruciate ligament at the femoral attachment. I immediately sent to my Physio and well, he just very bluntly asked me to get in touch with an Ortho and his service is not going to be of any help at the moment.

I met an experienced Ortho: Dr. Praveen at Sagar Jayanagar and well a tall, well spoken and friendly personality who spent close to 90 mins in trying to understand the cause and symptoms. It was a complicated case not because of the tear, but because i was able to play like how any other player of level does! And i am surely not an amateur, i am a player turned Coach! None of peers and students felt a difference in the level of my game and wondered if anything is wrong at all??!! But i knew there was something wrong somewhere. All said and done, finally Dr. Praveen advised me to push myself and play regularly and continue playing and asked me to report to him if i felt anything fundamentally abnormal as he followed an extremely noninvasive approach.

Played for close to a month and a half with loads and loads of reading upon the net and videos on youtube and finally felt if something is physically bothering me i must just attend to it and not neglect. I met the doc and he said well MRI could at times exaggerate so advised for an arthroscopy first and then decide then and there based on the level damage if to go for a reconstruction or not which sounded very practical to me. And the day arrived when i got myself admitted and the sisters in the hospital gave me this so called patient's uniform which looked really bad and looked like an attempt to expose my body and skin! I refused and then comes a kinked lipped sister in a typical Kerala accent says : Sir, kindly do not break the hospital protocol. Request you to co-operate!
I had no other choice left, and followed the rule!

Morning at 5 the ward boy wakes me up and dresses me up in a different attire and asks me to lie down in the stretcher and i tried explaining that i am fine and can walk upto the operation theatre! He refused and finally the hospital was successful in making me feel like a patient already!
The team of doctors waited like butchers and also like gods! That was a paradox.Gods because the were waiting to cure my ailment and butchers because all said and done they are going to make me go under the knife!
I got to watch the entire surgery as it was spinal anesthesia  and due to the extensive preoperative research, i could follow everything that the doctor was up to. The entire process lasted for about 90 mins and was transferred back to the ward.

The doc meet me at the ward the next day and tell me not to play for the next three months,not to ride/drive for the next one month and many other conditions apply. Sob!

I shall be penning down the entire recovery status and also experiences associated with this dreadful sports injury consequently.

Adios folks!

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Expectations of having an expectation..

Most of the wise and successful people around raghu have always told him to just give his best and never expect the best in return as most often expectations lead to disappointments since human beings are most often never happy with what they get in return.. 

This childhood habit became a seasoned habit and he was successful in following it until he saw and heard many people around expecting him to expect things in return!! Why folks?? Don't like seeing him happy? Want him to get disappointed??

If there is a job well done he is expected to expect a promotion! 

If he has been kind to someone, he is expected to expect kindness!

If he likes someone's habit n acknowledges that to him, he is expected to expect some sweet words in return!

This revolution of life around expectations has made this world a very tiring and a substandard place to live.. 

What does raghu do now?? Continue to follow what he was preached , or change his course of thought to what he is expected to expect, or stay confused as to what to do?

Should he live for him or should he live to fulfill others expectations? I have a feeling- there is a raghu in almost each and everyone of us who should either killed or tamed. Letting him live at his mercy is only going to make his existence an obligation in each one's life where raghu resides.. 


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Amazing liars....

Well, such a tough question to answer when someone asks " Do you have any siblings?" Not because it is easy to say i don't have but i have to tell the same when i know i had one.

When someone asks me the question, a plethora of thoughts and emotions go through me which really makes me think twice if to say yes or no. Yes because i feel he is feel somewhere around and no because i know i cant prove it to others that he is around except for myself.

I met a new person today who asked me if i have siblings, and i say "no i do not" even though i wish i could say - "Yes- i do have a sibling who is doing really well in life. And the next statement i hear is " oh wow, single child haan, great you must be all pampered isnt it?? "

All said and done, how will people know if i had one or have one untill i tell them isnt it., So i realized, there are two lives running parallel to each other.. A) life for yourself you live and B) life that you need to live for others and fortunately i' m ok living with both of them. :)

Good night blogger. :)

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Value of the lost....

Many of us have this strange tendency to realize the worth of a certain thing once it has perished or once it is no longer under our control.

The days i wake up late is when i have realized the most as to how beautiful the morning would have been and what i missed, as for all i know that morning is never going to return- I Realize the value of early mornings.

The days i loose my temper is when i realize how much better the day could have been had i not lost my cool and just stayed calm- I realize the value of staying cool headed.

The days i do not get my food on time is when i realize how important timely food is, for my health and hunger.

Similarly, there are certain people whom i have lost today and have realized their values only after loosing them and never before that. Unfortunately, i do get a chance to witness a morning again where i can wake up early and i do get a chance to stay cool and ensure i do not loose my temper and well i can always ensure i can have my lunch on time and somehow hedge that uncertainty by having a heavy breakfast.

But, how do i bring back the people whom i have lost by taking them for granted?? Are all of us fortunate enough to get someone back into our lives whom we have lost?

I always thought the person whom i lost would always stay beside no matter what, and today when the individual is missing is when i am realizing how important it is to keep all  my near and dear ones as happy as possible and also realized how significant it is to ensure peace and happiness with whomever I transact, so that tomorrow I do not regret if in case I happen to loose them.

I have often seen occasions when a wife walks up to her husband and calls for a divorce is when he suddenly wakes up and realizes what he would probably be missing if at all such an unfortunate event takes place in his life had he been taking her for granted.

So my dear fellow readers and writers, i plead all of you to always love those in and around you and never take them for granted as for all you know wouldn't be in and around you any longer and probably will never ever be too if they aren't given the respect they deserve from your end and taken for granted.

However, if this blog has enough powers, can i ask this to please bring that person back to me??

Let me wait and wait and waaaiitttt........

Friday, December 26, 2014

Train-ing Life.....

“Life is like a journey on a train, with its stations, with changes of routes, and their accidents!
At birth, we boarded the train and met our parents, and believed that they will always travel on our side, knowing that at some station they will get down leaving us in this journey alone.

In the same way other people will board, and be significant: our siblings, friends, children and even the love of our life. Many will get down and leave a permanent vacuum. Some have unfortunately already unboarded  L

 Others go so unnoticed that we don’t even realize that they have vacated their seats! This trip will be full of joy, some sorrows, fantasies, expectations , goodbyes and farewells.Success consists of having a good relationship with all passengers and giving the best of ourselves. The great mystery to everyone is that we do not know at which station we will get down, so we must live in the best way, love, forgive and offer the best of ourselves. So, when the time comes to get down and we leave our seat empty , we leave beautiful memories for those who will continue their travel on the train of life!!

My wish for everyone is that the journey by this train for the coming year is better every day. Reap success and give lots of love, and especially thank fate for the journey! Oh and I thank you whoever is reading ;) for being one of the passengers on my train. Let this coming year be the best, full of peace and love and a prosperous and healthy one for all.

Love you all my dear fellow passengers….

Hey!!!But who is the engine driver?? “Where are you Mr.Driver?” Like seriously! I would want to meet him! I am sure he is the best driver ever. Someone who can take us through so much and to so many places! However a small message to you Mr. Driver- “I don’t like bumpy rides! And neither do my friends and folks. I hope you heard what I just said and ensure a safe, sound and joyful one in the coming new year as I feel you must personally not be liking it as well. J

Monday, August 4, 2014


Life is full of Sur-prizes, some of them just beyond our expectations and imaginations.

Would someone have imagined meeting someone for the first time as acquaintance an hour ago and ends up becoming friends for life?? ( Like the Fevi quick bond)

Would someone selling tea in the busy streets of a small town imagined to have become the PM of the second most populous country in the world?

Would someone sitting in a private lounge of an aircraft imagined that he was going to see a heap of pyre being laid on his body to RIP few hours later?

Would a lady begging on a street imagined herself to have become a super star in the Bollywood just a few months later?

Would someone swimming on thousand rupees notes few months ago have imagined himself to mortgage his last left one BHK flat?

Well all the above incidents have happened in reality and at a great frequency. After re-reading the above situations i just ROFLed my ass out on all of those people who are greedy, who are rude, who are selfish, and eventually i laughed with a heavy heart at myself as well because- ALAS!, the society doesn't spare anybody after all!! The above adjectives aptly represents us irrespective of how uncertain our immediate futures are!

It reminds me of one of the stories that i have read as a child, where a new village entrant looks at all the other villagers running out of the village. Amused with the entire scene around him he stops one of the running mate and tries finding out why everyone was running? The villager replies- " Dear friend, i am not sure- i saw all of my other counterparts running and therefore, i am running as well.Why don't you run too!" As a matter of fact no one knew why everyone else was running.

Back then as a child i just shared the joke and laughed. Today the tears are not because i am laughing when i recall the joke. :(


Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bee-ing Human!!

We have become such busy people, where the statement " i don't have time" has become the most commonly used JARGON i would say.

Are we so busy that we can't have our lunch (forget about having it on time).
Are we so busy that at times we don't sleep the entire day? ( Of course night included)

I had recently been to a Community service programme and shared my experience with one of my friend and insisted him on attending such programmes so that he understands the real misery of life contrary to instances where people call up the facilities team and ask them to reduce the A/C temperature to 24 degrees because they feel 26 degrees is tooooo high for the weather outside.( God what maniacs )
" He said there is a lot of work dude!! i doubt if i will have enough time for all that"

The other day, I had asked another friend of mine "why don't you donate blood? have you even thought about it? " The response i received was:
" I really do not have time for all that and moreover i doubt if i have enough blood for myself at the first place! "

I being a sportsman, asked one of my friend to join Aerobics classes or at least go for a morning/evening walks as i felt she was putting on weight at a quick rate for her age. The response i received was:
" I have no time for it at all. Every mornings i have calls and evenings by the time i reach home it is late and i dont have the energy to go for those! "

I have list of such live examples where people just work hard (super duper hard) for some client about whom they have no idea about , skip lunch , having untimely food habits, rejoicing junk food, and oh yea- Getting royally drunk on Saturdays and just remain in a semi coma state up to the next day's afternoon and feel proud about getting drunk and boasting about it to all their colleagues and friends later. ( Is it something to be proud about??? )

When are we going to realize the value of our health? value of OUR time,value of pursuing OUR vocational interests? and the value of OUR minds being at peace?

The rate at which it is going, it seems like 3/4th of what we earn in the first half of our lives will be spent on our medical expenses in our second half and finally regret and feel - " Wish i had given some importance to MYSELF too!!  


** I do not feel all are like this. I just see a big time imbalance between the people who do good and those who do not! This is just a personal opinion put forward**