Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Bee-ing Human!!

We have become such busy people, where the statement " i don't have time" has become the most commonly used JARGON i would say.

Are we so busy that we can't have our lunch (forget about having it on time).
Are we so busy that at times we don't sleep the entire day? ( Of course night included)

I had recently been to a Community service programme and shared my experience with one of my friend and insisted him on attending such programmes so that he understands the real misery of life contrary to instances where people call up the facilities team and ask them to reduce the A/C temperature to 24 degrees because they feel 26 degrees is tooooo high for the weather outside.( God what maniacs )
" He said there is a lot of work dude!! i doubt if i will have enough time for all that"

The other day, I had asked another friend of mine "why don't you donate blood? have you even thought about it? " The response i received was:
" I really do not have time for all that and moreover i doubt if i have enough blood for myself at the first place! "

I being a sportsman, asked one of my friend to join Aerobics classes or at least go for a morning/evening walks as i felt she was putting on weight at a quick rate for her age. The response i received was:
" I have no time for it at all. Every mornings i have calls and evenings by the time i reach home it is late and i dont have the energy to go for those! "

I have list of such live examples where people just work hard (super duper hard) for some client about whom they have no idea about , skip lunch , having untimely food habits, rejoicing junk food, and oh yea- Getting royally drunk on Saturdays and just remain in a semi coma state up to the next day's afternoon and feel proud about getting drunk and boasting about it to all their colleagues and friends later. ( Is it something to be proud about??? )

When are we going to realize the value of our health? value of OUR time,value of pursuing OUR vocational interests? and the value of OUR minds being at peace?

The rate at which it is going, it seems like 3/4th of what we earn in the first half of our lives will be spent on our medical expenses in our second half and finally regret and feel - " Wish i had given some importance to MYSELF too!!  


** I do not feel all are like this. I just see a big time imbalance between the people who do good and those who do not! This is just a personal opinion put forward**